Group Discussion Techniques: Non Verbal

While Group Discussions (GDs) may revolve around the spoken word, the silent language of non-verbal communication plays an equally significant role in influencing the outcome. It's the subtler, non-verbal cues that often make or break your performance in a GD.

In this video, we will delve into the various facets of non-verbal communication techniques including body language, seating arrangement, and tone of voice, and explore what to avoid during a GD.

Ideal Body Language in a Group Discussion

The way you carry yourself speaks volumes about your confidence. Here are some key points:

  • Confidence: Maintain a relaxed, upright posture. This radiates confidence and attentiveness.
  • Openness: Keep your arms open and relaxed to show that you are open to others' ideas and feedback.
  • Engagement: Lean in slightly when someone else is speaking to show interest and engagement.

Choose Where to Sit

The seating arrangement can significantly impact your visibility and participation.

  • Visibility: Choose a position where you can be easily seen by the moderator and where you can also maintain eye contact with all participants.
  • Access: Ideally, sit where you can engage with everyone. Avoid corners or places where your view might be obstructed.

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal cues are a powerful way to assert your presence and reinforce your verbal communication.

  • Tone of Voice: Your tone should reflect confidence and respect. It should be clear, steady, and audible but not loud or aggressive.
  • Eye Contact: Maintaining eye contact shows you're attentive and interested. However, ensure it's natural and not intimidating.
  • Gestures: Use your hands to emphasize your points but be careful not to overdo it. Natural, controlled gestures make your argument more engaging.

Avoid the Following

Here are some common non-verbal pitfalls to avoid during a GD:

  • Crossing Your Arms: This can come off as defensive or unapproachable.
  • Fidgeting: Excessive fidgeting can be distracting and may be interpreted as a sign of nervousness.
  • Inappropriate Facial Expressions: Maintain a neutral facial expression. Rolling your eyes, smirking, or showing disdain can be considered disrespectful.
  • Intruding Personal Space: While it's important to be expressive, respect others' personal space.

In conclusion, non-verbal communication is a critical component of your performance in a group discussion. It subtly complements your words, influences how others perceive you, and shapes the overall impression you make. While words hold the power to articulate your thoughts, it's often your silent gestures that truly make them resonate.

By mastering these non-verbal communication techniques, you can enhance your overall effectiveness in a group discussion. Remember, it's not only about being heard but also about how you make others feel heard and respected.