How To Prepare for a Group Interviews

Some group interviews you’re informed of, but some can turn out to be a real shocker. More and more companies think group interviews are a great way to shortlist candidates and quicken the hiring process. Because this format is a more realistic setting of how you will work with others. It can also be a way to see how you perform under pressure. With the importance of office equations increasing, group interviews are being conducted all the more. It could either have a panel of interviewers or it could have fellow interviewees or it could be both. Here, in all such cases, your interaction levels are monitored, your attitude and problem-solving skills also come to the fore. Let’s look at some tips using which you can ace a group interview.

1. Keep A Straight Face

Don’t let your emotions of shock or disappointment show up on your face. You need to look and feel confident and your body language should exude the same. Try your best to keep your face straight and not let your reactions show. Your reaction can speak volumes about yourself and may cause the recruiter to judge you on your ability to react to all future surprises on the job.

2. Be Friendly

When you’re in the waiting area, you could surely use some conversation to let the nervousness off. While it may so happen, you could be surrounded by candidates who are reserved or try to ignore you. Keep your phone inside and go make some polite conversation. This could work positively for you as it will show your recruiter that you’re good at networking and inevitably because you know the person in front of you, your body language will ease up.

3. Involve

This is also an important aspect of any group discussion. Involve the people with you and address them by their first names. This might make you appear like a leader who likes to take the lead on conversations and decisions. Keep referencing what the others might have said, and give them due to recognition. Make sure you address everyone and make eye contact with everyone in the room.

4. Don’t Go Overboard

Now, now. In the flow, don’t tend to lose your stand and come across as very aggressive. This is a common mistake many candidates do and in the process of showing that they’re a leader, they tend to overpower others in the room. Speaking over others may backfire and the others may not support your conversation even if you may be right. That can be damaging for your image too. You should remember not to be loud, but to be relevant and to be heard.

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