Phone Interview Tips That Will Help You Get Hired

A phone interview plays a vital role in the recruitment process. This is like a pre-interview which the job recruiters do as a ritual using a phone call to gauge if the
the candidate is as good as he claims on paper and understands his expectations in-depth. Phone interviews put things into perspective and help the recruiter understand if the potential candidate is a good match, after all. We have compiled a concise list of 4 telephone interview tips for you to get through any phone interview.

1. Make a Note Of Job Skills

You will be getting somewhere around 20 minutes to explain yourself on the call. It is essential you sum up the key points regarding your skills and the value you’ll bring to the table if selected. Hence it’s essential you make a note of all the key phrases and terms you’d want to use in your conversation with the recruiter. This is a phone interview, which means they can’t see your expressions or your body language, which is a plus. You could be giving the interview in a set of PJs, but you should practice keeping the answers short and full of value addition.

2. Be Prepared

There are a routine set of questions which job recruiters often ask candidates, to understand the expectations, like:
● Are you looking for a job change? If yes, then why?
● What is your expected compensation?
● When are you available for a face-to-face interview?
● When can you start this job?
● If the job is in a different location than your place of stay, then: are you willing to
The first question especially can be tough to answer, but honesty is the best policy.
Telling them that you’re either unhappy or you need promotion, can put the ball in your court.

3. Know The Company

This is a point that job seekers often fail to do, i.e. to research about the company they are interviewing for. This is important as you can then align your answers to fit the company mission. And knowing what the company does, and why it does it is important information anyway.

4. What To Do During The Phone Interview

While you’re at home, it may be very tempting to lie down lazily, or lounge on the sofa with a pack of chips, while giving an interview. Avoid doing the same. Instead, get into the role as much as you can. Keep a pen and paper by your side and sit at a desk. Find a silent place for you to concentrate and give the interview because any distraction may spoil your tempo. Be well versed with the job description and don’t include too many fillers. Since it’s happening on phone, all focus will be on what you’re saying. If you don’t know something or think you need time, then convey accordingly.