Python Docstring


Python docstring stands for Python documentation strings, it gives us a convenient path to associate documentation with python modules, methods, functions and classes.

Python docstrings are specified in the source code. It is used as a comment or also used to document a certain block of code. Not like the conventional code comments, Python docstring needs to describe not how the function works but what the function does.

Types of Docstrings

Declaring Docstrings

In Python, we can declare docstrings using triple quotes either single or double.

'''This is a docstring declaration example'''

Python docstrings are declared just below the class, function or method declaration, mentioning what that class, method or function does. All functions should contain their docstring.

Accessing Docstrings

By using the “doc” method of the object, docstrings can be accessed in Python. The doc method can also be accessed using the help function.

  • The example below shows how to declare and access a docstring using single quotes.


def func():
    '''This a function which returns nothing.'''
    return None
print("Using __doc__: ")
print("By using the help function: ")


Using __doc__:
    This a function which returns nothing.
Using help:
Help on function func in module __main__:

    This a function which returns nothing.

The example below shows how to declare and access a docstring using double quotes.


def func():
    """This a function which returns nothing."""
    return None
print("Using __doc__: ")
print("By using the help function: ")


Using __doc__:
    This a function which returns nothing.
Using help:
Help on function func in module __main__:

    This a function which returns nothing.

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One-line Docstrings

Now in Python, when we declare docstrings in one line that docstring becomes a one-line docstring. They are used in obvious cases. The closing quotes are also on the same line as the opening quotes.


def pr(a, b):
    """Returns a raised to power b."""
    return a**b


Returns a raised to power b.

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Multi-line Docstrings

In Python, there are multi-line docstrings similar to one-line docstrings which are used to write a more elaborate description or to write a summary, followed by a blank line. The code below demonstrates multi-line docstring.


def func(a):
Multi line docstrings.

It is an extended summary of the code.

a (int): Description of a

int: Description of return value


return a*a



Multi line docstrings.

It is an extended summary of the code.

a (int): Description of a

int: Description of return value

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Difference between comments and docstrings

In Python, comments are used to describe the code so that the user who reads the code understands the source code. It describes the logic or a block of code. It can be written by using a #, on the other hand, Python docstrings give us a convenient path to associate documentation with python modules, methods, functions and classes. Python docstrings are specified in the source code.