My journey to Becoming a Data Scientist Professional From a Site Engineer

By - Anup Kumar, Board Infinity Alumni

Today I want to share a bit of my experience with Board Infinity & Why I chose to take up their Data science learning path.

Let’s start at the beginning of my professional career...

1. My Professional Career

So, I completed my B.E in Electronics & Telecommunications from Bhopal, in 2018.

After my graduation, I was doing a lot of market research to see what kind of jobs are trending and what was booming in the industry, that’s when I came across Data Science. As I did deeper research, I started to realize that the future for this field looks very promising, and the sooner I’m able to start a career in it the better. I wanted to take up a course in Data science and learn more about this field... But my financial situation didn’t allow me to do that.

So I decided to sit for campus placements instead, where I was able to secure a job at Uniinfo Telecom Services, Raipur.

After a year, I had to relocate because my mother had some medical issues. Due to this relocation, I also had to quit my old job at Uniinfo Telecom.

I was able to secure another job as a Site Engineer at CG Power & Industrial Solutions, Jamshedpur.

2. My Data Science Journey

After 2 years of working at 2 different companies, I was finally able to have enough finances to think about investing in an online course to learn about Data Science. I wanted to take an online course specifically because I already had a full-time job (that I didn’t want to quit) and I didn’t have the time or energy to travel somewhere to attend an offline course. I enjoyed my job but I still wanted to explore the field of Data Science.

I didn’t have a lot of coding experience, I had some basic knowledge about C & C++, but that’s about it.

3. Learning at Board Infinity

Board Infinity was my 1st online learning experience and I can say that I’m truly grateful that I chose this institute. It’s not just about the Live online classes, 1:1 mentoring from industry experts, 100% placement assistance, Hands-on learning through case studies, assignments & the various capstone projects.

Even their program managers treat you like their friend... In fact, my program manager helped me so much throughout the course that he genuinely felt like my elder brother. Each and every member of their team is doing everything in their power to help you succeed in your career, and it really shows in the effort that they put in.

My Data Science course with Board Infinity has almost finished but I can’t stop learning. Because of this course, I’ve started to develop a genuine interest & passion for Data Science. I’m fascinated by the things that can be done just by using & analyzing data. Actually, I’ve even started learning Advanced Tableau on my own. Most of my Data science knowledge is all thanks to the coaches at Board Infinity. Now I feel very comfortable coding & I’m excited to start my career in Data Science.

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