Concept of Big Data and Types of Big Data

Big Data is a widely discussed topic today and with good reason too! This technology has brought some amazing inventions and innovations to our world which has changed our lives for the better.

Watch this video to get a brief introduction to Big Data Analytics.

Watch this video to get a brief introduction to Big Data Analytics.

What is Big Data?

Data is a collection of random figures and characters which do not hold any meaning unless it is analyzed and converted into useful information.
Big Data, as the name suggests is a larger and more complex set of data that is very hard to process and analyze and is growing continuously.

Types of Big Data

Structured Data

This type of data can be processed, sorted, analyzed, stored, and retrieved in a fixed format. Structured data can be easily accessed by a computer with the help of search algorithms.

Unstructured Data

Unlike structured data, unstructured data is not present in any particular format. This data is a combination of various different types of data like text files, images, videos, etc. It is usually heavier in size.

Semi-Structured Data

Semi-structured data contains both structured as well as unstructured information. That is, it may not be present in a particular format but may have segments that are formatted properly or vise-versa.

Characteristics of Big Data

The 3 V's of Big Data are:


That is, it can be present in any form or variety: Structured, unstructured or semi-structured. Today, Big Data can be collected from tons of sources like PDFs, emails, photos, videos, audios, etc.


Big Data is being created at a very high speed from millions of different sources, per second.


As mentioned earlier, Big Data refers to a very large quantity or volume of data that is collected from online sources, machines, businesses, etc.


This was a brief run-through of what the concept of Big Data is, its types, and its characteristics. Big Data is an entire field of study which has gained popularity over time.

According to PayScale, entry-level Big Data Analysts get paid an average annual salary of Rs 435,137. It is a very promising and high-paying profession.
If you want to pursue a career in Big Data take the Data Science training and become an expert in the field now!