
How AI Tools Help To Build Your Business's Online Presence?

How AI Tools Help To Build Your Business's Online Presence?

In this digital age, there are many advantages from a business perspective of having an online presence. Some of these benefits include increased brand awareness and visibility. Naturally, that means more people will be aware of your business and sometimes that is enough for them to become your customers and increase your sales.

On another note, we also have artificial intelligence and its increased presence in our daily lives. AI has permeated throughout society and is being used in all sorts of ways. Of course, it has many uses in helping to establish a brand’s online presence as well. That is our topic today and we are going to see how you can use some types of AI tools to aid you in that process.

Requirements for Building an Online Presence

Before we can begin in earnest, let us take the time to understand the requirements for establishing an online presence. The small list below shows the most fundamental requirements for building your business’s online presence.

  • A Website
  • Website SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • A Blog
  • Email Marketing
  • Newsletters and eBooks (recommended)

A website is necessary for presence building because it acts as a platform where people can learn about your business and approach it. However, they can only find your website if it has good SEO.

A blog on the other hand is a method for educating your audience and cultivating trust in them so that they feel comfortable with your presence. This helps with lead conversions and sales as well. Newsletters and eBooks have the same purpose.

Email marketing is just another content marketing method that is useful for reaching out to prospects and helping improve conversions. There are many other things that you can do to improve your online presence, but without these basic blocks, you cannot do much else.

Methods of Building an Online Presence With Assistance from AI Tools

Now that we have understood what needs to be done to become known online, let’s see how AI helps to ease the process.

1. Creating a Website with the Help of AI Tools

Creating a website used to be the work of professionals who were well-versed in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But now anyone who is computer literate can create a website with the help of tools like WordPress and Wix. But even that takes some level of skill.

With AI though, even that concern has all but vanished. Nowadays, you can use AI tools like WixADI to completely design and build a website from scratch. Yes, you read that right, from scratch. All you need to do is provide the details about your website i.e., what it is about and whether it is for eCommerce or not, etc., etc. and choose a theme.

The rest is handled by AI. The more advanced tools in this category (like the one mentioned above) let you customize the website using their own editor tools as well. However, even if they didn’t you could always customize it manually if you have the appropriate knowledge (i.e. web development).

So, with the help of AI tools, it is laughably easy to create a website for your business.

2. Doing SEO with AI Tools

Of course, once the website is built, you have to do its SEO. SEO involves a great many things, and a full deep dive would require its own eBook, so we are going to stick with something really basic here, keywords.

Keywords are the bread and butter of SEO. Essentially, keywords are terms that normal people use to conduct searches on search engines to find relevant websites. A website and its purpose are encapsulated by keywords, they define the website’s purpose.

Here is a simple example to illustrate. A website about selling shoes will have keywords like “Men’s leather shoes”, “Running Shoes”, “Casual Footwear”, etc., etc. Do you get our point?

The biggest issue in SEO is finding out what keywords your site ranks for. That can be easily handled with AI. Toolkits like Ahrefs and SEMrush use AI to determine the keywords for a website and they even give extra information such as:

  • Best keywords to rank for with respect to volume and difficulty
  • Keyword variations and semantically related keywords
  • Blog ideas and topics to cover on your site

And that is not the extent of it either. These AI-powered SEO toolkits also provide site auditing features that leverage the incredible data processing capabilities of AI to find faults and shortcomings in your website as well as how to correct them. So, with such AI tools, website SEO becomes an easy task as well.

3. Blogging With the Help of AI Tools

Blogging is a great method of establishing your online presence. It is basically a method of inbound marketing that is opposed to aggressive outbound marketing like ad campaigns and social media campaigns.

Blogs are used to rank high on the SERPs. They are a great way to adjust and use keywords because you can use any of the relevant words in the relevant content. You just have to make sure that the words are used in the right context and adjusted naturally. Doing so will make search engines rank the content higher.

However, blogs have many requirements other than keyword adjustment. The content in them needs to have the following qualities if it wants to top the SERPs.

  • Unique and plagiarism-free
  • Showcases experience and authority in the subject matter
  • Is easy to read and understand with regard to formatting and writing

These are things that AI tools can help with. For example, accidental plagiarism is a huge problem in blogs, it can singlehandedly bring down the ranking of the webpage or even get it delisted. With the help of an AI plagiarism checker though, it can be found and removed in mere minutes.

AI plagiarism checkers can detect patterns in the discussion of the topic which enables them to find even paraphrased plagiarism. They scrape the web to check the content against billions of sources, so their results are accurate as well.

Experience will come naturally as you can’t really fake it. As for readability, AI paraphrasers are your friend. You can read our article on AI paraphrasing to learn more about it. For now, suffice it to say that they can improve readability by reducing sentence length and replacing difficult words with easier synonyms.

4. AI-Powered Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great method for establishing your online presence. It works in tandem with your blog as you need both to make the most of it. Basically, you spread your content (your blog posts, eBooks, or newsletters) through your emails to both old and new customers.

Old customers are those who are already aware of your brand and have been to your website. New customers are people who are not aware of your brand explicitly, but they are looking for services/products that your business provides.

You can find such people through 3rd party platforms like social media sites and forums. However, before you send a cold email to anyone, make sure that they are part of your targeted audience. You can do so through analysis of their observable online behavior. Tools like Survey Monkey and Instantly can help with that.

Anyway, once your email list is configured you can use it to send out valuable content to people along with CTAs (calls to action) to ensure that you get a positive response. This helps to cement your presence in the minds of these customers.

Before an email was sent to them, they might have thought of your business as one of the myriad businesses online. After an email though, they will think of you as something more, something that they can turn to in their time of need.

We have covered email marketing extensively in our own blog. You can simply visit the email tag to see lots of content about it such as how to do it effectively, do’s and don’ts, etc., etc.

5. Analysis and Review

No strategy is perfect, that’s why extensive analysis is always required to figure out its shortcomings and how to fix them. Even if you follow everything we have told you so far. You will have issues.

To find and correct these issues you will have to do a qualitative analysis to see where you are falling behind. With AI-powered tools like Google Analytics, you can see how your website is performing. You can see things like:

  • How many keywords are bringing your traffic
  • How much organic traffic are you getting
  • Where do your web pages rank
  • Which area are people accessing your site from
  • What kind of browser or device they are using to access your site

And other information like that. Analyzing this information helps to find out where your strategy is lacking. For example, if too few people are accessing your site through mobile devices, then that means your mobile interface is bad or your site does not load correctly on it. Anyway, this information is collected with the help of AI algorithms that process and display this information in a palatable way.

An analysis may not directly improve your online presence, but it helps to bolster your efforts that do contribute to it. You can learn more about how to use Google Analytics from our guide for beginners.


So, that was a general article on how you can use AI-powered tools to help build your online presence. However, articles like these can only take you so far. You will only ever learn the actual skills if you study them from experts like us. All of the information that we have given you in this article is covered in our Digital Marketing course. You can do this course in about a week's time as it is aimed at beginners and get a certification for it as well. From there, you can move on to more advanced courses and become better at marketing.