Specialized Resume Formats and Advanced Strategies
Every Millenial Should Make These 4 Changes To Improve Their Resume

Millennials are known for their immersive life in the digital industry, and they seem to be the most talked-about generation to date. They are tech-savvy and they are quite dynamic with their choices.
More than 60% of millennials have switched and hopped from one job to the other in the last 3 to 10 years, says a report by Economic Times. That indicates that job-hopping has become a recent trend that’s being followed widely. In this case, what would their resumes read like?
What changes should every millennial make to improve their resume?
Let's talk about it!
1. Stand out from the crowd
What is your unique selling proposition? What is it in you, that the others don’t have? Your resume needs to speak out about what you are actually bringing to the table. Millennials lie the most on their resumes, says a report by Forbes. Don’t add skills that you don’t possess. Merely mentioning that you’re a great team player, or lying about your summer internship won’t do you any good. Instead, support your USP with an example and tell a story.
2. Cut down fluff
Too many words on your resume is a big NO. The minute the recruiter feels it is not appealing to the eye, they will trash it. You need to cut back on stuff that is not important.
Focus on the skills that are absolutely essential for your job. Don’t build up stories and skills to fill up space. Don’t be generic regarding your skill or objective description. Mention your core skills and build your resume around them to make an impact.
3. Start with the latest experience
You need to follow a particular format for your resume. If you have a lot of experience to show, start with listing your latest experiences first and then keep going backward.
As you start listing the past experiences, don’t explain too much in detail as you go further down. List only the company name and the responsibility you held there. Follow this simple format and don’t waste time searching for other formats. This is so that you stay focused and keep your resume relevant.
You might have interned as a salesperson, but now applying for an accountant’s role. That information is not necessary for the recruiter to know. Add details relevant to the job position you’re applying for.
4. Maintain simplicity
Being millennials, your heart would ache to go crazy.
But a resume isn’t exactly the place to show that eccentric side of yours.
You would want to be all creative and make it different to stand out from the crowd, but sadly it would then not be seen by the Applicant Tracking Systems, which are used to detecting particular power words and a format. Therefore keeping it simple works the best.
You can always pour your personality into the cover letter for sure. But resumes need to be traditional so that it doesn’t skip the recruiter’s attention altogether rather than catching it.
Finally, proofread your resume before sending it out. You don’t want to look careless by having spell errors in the document that's going to land you your dream job!
If you want to learn more about how to build the perfect resume then you should check out our Free Resume Builder Course, this course is for freshers, students, and everyone. Learn about how to write a resume, resume formats, action words for resume, skills for resume, and sample resume templates. Take this course and create a perfect resume for the job of your dreams.